Upcoming Events

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Indoor Spiritual Revival, which can also be called Sanctuary Crusade, and as well Holy Ghost Rally, is done in every Assembly and Cathedral of the church ABC on the 3rd week of June every year for 7 Days, from Sunday to Saturday, 5:00pm – 7:00pm daily. It is for every minister and members of the church ABC. It is a time of spiritual revival in the church, and time of spiritual awakens, anointing, healing, impartation of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts. Time of spiritual equipment which nobody should miss.

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It is done in the church yearly in the month of September. First Sunday of September in every Assembly and Cathedral of the church. It is a part of service to God through which God’s people give thanks to God yearly.

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This is the conference of every minister in ABC that comes up yearly. It is done on the month of July or November, yearly. On the first week of the month concern. It is to keep the church updated and lively in their duties. Ceremonies like ordination and consecration of ministers, promotion, etc are also performed during the conference.

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This is the Biennial tour of the Apostle and General Overseer of the church ABC to Sections every two year as the Apostle and General Overseer and also the acting District Bishop now, to minister to God’s people and also supervise works in the section. This has no special day or date – A two days program. Saturday – Sunday as will scheduled to the section. A time the Apostle as the G. O. blesses the people of God, reaching them with the word, a time of great impact and testimonies.

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This is done throughout the church on every 15th Day of the Month of December every year. On this day, the Church declared ‘National Welfare Day’ in every Nation the Church extends to. A National program in every Nation and Worldwide program in the Church. The day, in which the church prays, preach, teach, and make donations to the needy, in and for the welfare of the Nations of her extension. It is a day declared in commemoration of 15th December 1980, which is the day God revealed the Assemblies of the Believers Church (ABC) to the Revelator of the Church, Apostle (Dr) G.O. Ngene. The church observes 6-9 fasting and prayer and gives offering to support the church and the needy. There will also be public lectures by the church, visiting of destitute home or rehabilitation centers and making donations to the needy by members of the church (individually and in groups). The church government’s delegation(s) to the leader, of the nation or area of the church’s extension for revival of the friendly or diplomatic relationship between the church (ABC) and the Nation or area concerned.

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This is a short service done on Good Friday to show appreciations to God for finished work and sacrifice of Christ on the cross. The service is 7:00am to 9:00am in every Assembly and Cathedral of ABC.

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Like the first fruits Harvest, Ingathering harvest is also done at the end of the year in the church, with the same purpose of the First fruits Harvest. It is done on the 1st Sunday of every December in every Assembly and Cathedral of the church.

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This is the study of the activities that surrounds the sufferings, trials, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a seven (7) day programme, mainly on teachings from Palm Sunday to Holy Saturday in every Assembly and Cathedral of ABC, time is 5:00pm – 7: 00pm daily. Holy week studies help to bring members of the church closer and refresh to Christ for effective value life - Life of Holiness. It is open to everybody even outside the church.

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Easter Sunday Service is a special service on Easter Sunday to commemorate the Victorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a day of celebration for the church and every Believer as well. A normal Sunday Service is jointly conducted with the special service with special thanksgiving to God for His mighty works to us.

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This is done yearly on every 24th Day of December, Night, 9:00pm – 11:00pm in every Assembly and Cathedral of the church ABC to usher in 25th December being the day of celebrating the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ. It is expected to be attended by every member of the church ABC and every interested non member.

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This is done on every 25th day of December to commemorate the birth of our Messiah and Saviour Jesus Christ throughout the world. It is done in every Assembly and Cathedral of the Church. Time 7:00am – 9:00am. Every member of the church is to attend the service to first of all thank God The Father for His gift to mankind and to appreciate the Saviour for accepting to come to save us, before enjoying their Christmas feasting and parties that day.

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Cross over Night comes up every 31st Day of December every year. The day members of the church gather in every Assembly and Cathedral of the church to thank God for the past year, for keeping them from the 1st day of January to the last day of December that year. They pray, praise and give special thanks to God for the past year. They also cross over the passing year 31st December to the New Year 1st January morning prayer, praise God, and also give offering, special thanksgiving to God for bringing them into the New Year. Every members of the Church do give last offering of the year passing 31st December and 1st offering of the year 1st January to God, being his or her 1st seed of the year. The cross over service starts 10: 00pm on 31st December and end any time after 12: 00am of 1st January, and must not reach 1:00am. Unless necessity demands otherwise.

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Power Revival is a revival program done in every sectional headquarter of the church on the 3rd week of January. It is a three days program (Friday – Sunday). The sectional Administrator is the director of the Power Revival with his sectional council, and every ministers and members within the section is to support and attend the event.